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Soil Conditioner (3000 liters)
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Soil Conditioner (3000 liters)

1,345.00 kr.

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Soil Conditioner (3000 liters / 3 m³)

Approved for Organic Farming

The original natural mushroom soil conditioner© for nutrient-enriching all-around use.

All of us who love a beautiful garden in full bloom should consider using this fantastic soil conditioner, which is 100% natural. It is a product that quickly and effectively provides your flowers, plants, hedges, bushes, etc., with a good, natural nutrient boost, enabling the plants to absorb the nutrients they need. It is crucial to have good, healthy soil with a rich nutrient content, and this product helps you achieve that. It's easy and simple to work with, and you can quickly and effortlessly apply it. Once applied, the product will take care of nutrient delivery to your garden for the rest of the year. Our soil conditioner is 100% slug-free.

Why You Need Soil Conditioner

Almost all gardens that aim for a beautiful, natural flora need soil conditioning to stay lush and healthy. For those of us who take pride in our gardens, this soil conditioner is a must. It is so easy to apply and work with. All you need to do is spread the product on top of your garden beds, and the nutrients will gradually seep down to the roots of your plants, providing them with the natural nourishment they require. If you want to improve the structure of your existing soil, you should till or cultivate the soil conditioner into it. This will enhance the structure of your soil with plenty of nutrients. After tilling/cultivating, you can plant directly into the blended quality soil. If you want to give your plants extra protection over the winter, it’s a good idea to apply the product in late autumn, where it will protect your plants throughout the winter.

How Thick Should the Layer Be?

If you’re mixing the soil conditioner with your existing soil, you should apply a layer of approximately 10 cm and mix it with the top 20 cm of soil. This provides a good blend without overwhelming the plants. If you’re simply spreading it on top of existing soil without mixing, a layer of 5-7 cm should be sufficient. Based on this calculation, 1000 liters (1 m³) will cover approximately 16 m².

Soil Analysis

  • Dry matter: 29.8%
  • Nitrogen, total N: 10.2 kg/ton
  • Nitrogen ammonium-N: 1.8 kg/ton
  • Phosphorus, total P: 9.4 kg/ton
  • Potassium: 2.9 kg/ton
  • Magnesium: 3.6 kg/ton
  • Calcium: 21.4 kg/ton
  • Carbon: 110.0 kg/ton
  • Sulfur: 1.4 kg/ton

Soil Conditioner for Hedges, Clay Soil, and Roses

Our soil conditioner can be used for almost all types of plants, bushes, hedges, sandy soil, and clay soil. It provides natural nourishment for all kinds of flora. When using it for existing hedges, we recommend applying it as a top layer over the soil where the hedge is planted. The nutrients will be absorbed through rainwater, providing the plants with the nourishment they need throughout the growing season. If you’re planting a new bed, new plants, or sowing seeds, we recommend tilling or mixing the soil conditioner with your existing soil before planting. You can also purchase pre-mixed topsoil, where the soil conditioner is already blended when you receive the product. Adding soil conditioner to your greenhouse is also a good idea if the soil has become nutrient-poor.

Next-Day Delivery of Soil Conditioner

We offer next-day delivery of our high-quality, healthy, and natural soil conditioner in many areas of Denmark. You can always expect Denmark’s fastest delivery service from us, along with the best delivery methods to ensure the product is placed exactly where you need it. It's crucial to have the product delivered close to where it will be used, making it easy and hassle-free to apply.

We offer Grobund™ soil conditioner in five different sizes of maxibags. Our standard size is 3000 liters (3 m³) maxibags. If you require a different amount, you can simply choose the bag size that suits your project in the "Desired Amount" tab above.

If you need a larger quantity of Grobund™ soil conditioner delivered, you can freely combine different numbers and sizes of maxibags to meet your exact needs.

Here’s an example:

Choose, for example, 1 maxibag with 3000 liters (3 m³) of soil conditioner, add it to the cart, and then 1 maxibag with 2000 liters (2 m³) of soil conditioner. You will receive a total of 5000 liters (5 m³) of soil conditioner in 2 maxibags. In this way, you can combine the quantity that fits your needs.

What’s the Difference Between Soil Conditioner and Chemical Fertilizers?

There is a significant difference between these two types of fertilizers. Soil conditioner is a completely natural product, mainly derived from horse manure. It is a healthy, organic fertilizer with a high nutrient content. We ensure that the product is granulated to a structure that is easy to work with and that decomposes at a reasonable rate, providing long-lasting nutrition to your plants. We take pride in producing the highest quality product, which you’ll notice when you receive the soil conditioner. It’s pleasant to work with, and your plants will love it.

Chemical fertilizers, as the name suggests, are artificially produced by the industry and are far from sustainable. However, they are easy to use and compact, which is why many in the plant industry have chosen to use them. Fortunately, we see a growing trend of farmers, gardeners, and nurseries shifting towards more sustainable production, leading to increased use of natural soil conditioners.

Fungi in Soil Conditioner

The soil conditioner primarily consists of granulated horse manure, and it can sometimes contain fungi. These fungi belong to the "Glanshat" family, and this is actually a good sign. You don’t need to remove them; just use the soil conditioner as normal. They will disappear on their own and won’t cause any harm. However, it’s not recommended to eat them. While they are not toxic, they can cause hallucinations in large quantities.

How Is Soil Conditioner Delivered?

At MaxiBag, we care a lot about delivering in the way that best suits you. Therefore, we have built a transport system that allows you to choose the delivery method that fits your needs. It’s important to have the maxibag placed conveniently for you, close to the area where it will be used. Additionally, if you don’t use it all at once, it’s a good idea to ensure it’s not in the way. You can store any remaining soil conditioner in the maxibag, as the product will not deteriorate over the year, and you can continue to use it throughout the gardening season.

Curbside / Driveway Delivery

With this delivery method, the product is delivered to the curb or your sidewalk. The driver can also place the product just a meter inside your driveway if preferred. Provide a detailed description in your order about where you’d like your maxibag delivered. This makes it easy for our drivers to place the product perfectly, so you don’t need to be home during delivery.

Delivery with Mobile Forklift

This delivery method is very popular with our customers. The driver brings a special forklift with air-filled tires that can drive on gravel, stones, and down gravel roads at your home or summer house. This is an excellent solution, especially for small roads in summerhouse areas.

Delivery with Crane

This is the correct delivery method if you need the product placed over a hedge or fence. The driver will bring a truck with a crane that can lift your big bag of soil conditioner and place it exactly where you want.

In the "Delivery Options" tab, you can enter your postal code to see available delivery options.

See everything about our delivery methods on this page

Soil Conditioner Sizes Available for Delivery

Fast Delivery of Soil Conditioner

We are always able to deliver your product quickly and efficiently. In many areas, we offer next-day delivery, while in others, we provide fast express delivery. In the "Delivery Methods" tab, you can see your delivery speed options and choose the one that suits you best. If you find yourself in a situation where you have your plants but lack the soil conditioner to plant them, fast delivery is a great advantage.

Our plant experts at customer service are always ready to assist you, and you are welcome to contact us at or phone 86 96 61 11.

Hvordan bruges jordforbedring?
Enten ved at udlægge jordforbedringen ovenpå det eksisterende jord, og lade tid og regnvand arbejde for dig. Alternativt kan man fræse laget ned i jorden.
Hvad koster jordforbedring?
3 m2 jordforbedring er vores standard størrelse på en bigbag/ Den koster 1595 kr. inkl. levering
Hvornår skal man bruge jordforbedring?
Du skal bruge jordforbedring, når du ønsker at give dine planter bedre vækstforhold i en sund jord.
Er vores jordforbedring tilsvarende det som konkurrenterne sælger?
Der findes andre firmaer som sælger tilsvarende produkter. Produkterne er ikke ens, men vores jordforbedring er et 100% naturlig, organisk og økologisk produkt, som giver den allerbedste næring til din jord og planter.
Kan man plante direkte i jordforbedring?
Nej, du kan ikke plante direkte i jordforbedring, da produktet er et naturligt gødningsprodukt, der er for kraftigt til at plante direkte i. Jordforbedring skal enten udlægges som top lag eller kultiveres i din eksisterende jord.
Hvad er jordforbedring lavet af?
Vores jordforbedring indeholder primært hestemøg, samt en smule granuleret halm, for at give det en god struktur.
Er jordforbedring effektivt imod ukrudt?
Ja - ukrudtet bliver kvalt i jordforbedringen. Dermed er det en god biologisk måde at nedbryde det på.
Kan jordforbedring bruges som topdressing til græsplæne?
Jordforbedring er fantastisk til at give liv til græsplænen, men vil ikke rette op på ujævnheder. Her anbefaler vi vores produkt "Topdressing"