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Used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones

5,895.00 kr.

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Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones - Special Batch

Blue Rønne cubic cobblestones from Bornholm are the oldest and hardest type of cubic cobblestones available. They are hand-chiseled rather than cut, resulting in a unique look when laid and creating a type of paving that never goes out of style.

Cubic cobblestones, particularly used ones, are becoming increasingly exclusive, and their prices have skyrocketed in recent years. This is partly due to their diminishing availability and partly because of their growing popularity—these stones allow for paving that is truly special and distinctive.

Timeless Beauty with Historical Charm

These exclusive used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones offer an extraordinary opportunity for those seeking to create a unique and sophisticated paving solution with a historical touch. Having already been used in previous projects, they exude timeless beauty and historical charm, adding an aura of authenticity and character to any outdoor space. By choosing these exclusive used stones, you can craft a one-of-a-kind paving that radiates elegance and a sense of history.

Advantages of Used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones

When you select exclusive used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones, you gain paving that stands out from the crowd. These stones already feature a slight patina and a weathered aesthetic, giving them a unique and exclusive appearance. Their bluish/dark hue and natural texture become even more pronounced over time, adding an extra dimension of beauty and character to your paving. Choosing this type of stone gives you a paving with a unique story and timeless appeal.

One of the greatest advantages of choosing used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones is the exclusivity they bring to your project. These stones are not only beautiful but also rare and difficult to source. Their limited availability and unique aesthetics make them a highly sought-after material for those looking to create a paving solution that stands apart from standard options. By choosing these exclusive stones, you can add a luxurious feel and a high degree of exclusivity to your outdoor space.

Historical and Cultural Value of Used Cubic Cobblestones

Used Blue Rønne Cubic Cobblestones carry a unique historical and cultural value. These stones have been part of previous projects and have witnessed events and experiences. Their slight patina and wear reflect the passage of time, giving them an aura of authenticity and history. By choosing these stones for your paving, you can connect with the past and add a nostalgic charm to your outdoor space.

Delivery in Big Bags Across Denmark

We deliver these outstanding cubic cobblestones in big bags, offering nationwide delivery across Denmark. The price includes shipping to all locations with a fixed bridge connection. Additionally, we offer several delivery options to make it as convenient as possible for you as a customer.

You can select the delivery type by entering your postal code in the designated field.

Standard Delivery

This option delivers to the curb or driveway—i.e., within immediate proximity to where the truck can park. This means it can be placed at the beginning of a driveway, on the sidewalk, or in a turnaround area (e.g., at a property).

Truck Delivery

If you need your big bag transported down a road inaccessible to trucks, this is the solution. A truck is 2.5 meters wide and can turn in very limited spaces. This delivery method is often used for garden communities and other locations where roads are too narrow for large trucks.

Crane Delivery

If you want your big bag lifted over a hedge or a barrier, this is the solution to choose. Our crane trucks can lift a big bag approximately 7 meters away from the truck, saving you a significant amount of manual lifting.

Read all about our delivery methods here

Hvor stor er en chaussesten?
En chaussesten måler ca. 9-11 cm. på hver led, dog ofte med lidt udsving- Brugte chaussesten varierer mere i størrelsen, hvilket er en del af charmen.
Hvor mange chaussesten pr. m2
Man skal beregne ca. 90 chaussesten til 1 m²
Hvor meget dækker 1000 kg. chaussesten?
1000 kg. chaussesten (ca. 450 stk.) dækker omkring 5 m²
Hvad vejer en chaussesten?
En chaussesten, som måler 9 x 9 x 9 cm, vejer 2-2,5 kg.