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Grey Stone Dust

1,295.00 kr.

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Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Grey Stone Dust in Big Bag

Grey stone dust is a versatile product used as a base for surfaces with granite chippings, for paving stone installations, as joint filler between paving stones, for petanque courts, for pathways, and more. There are many applications for grey stone dust. In fact, grey stone dust is even better than joint sand for filling gaps between paving stones. It covers and compacts extremely well, making it resistant to weeds.

Our grey stone dust is sized at 0-2 mm. The size of the grey stone dust is crucial, as a coarser grey stone dust does not provide the same effect and is not as easy to work with as 0-2 mm. The term "grey stone dust" is a compound word meaning “flour of stone.” If the stone dust is too coarse, it is closer to gravel. Therefore, it is important to know the specific grading of the grey stone dust you are purchasing.

Stone Dust Against Weeds

Because stone dust is crushed granite, it consists of very small, angular stones. This quality allows it to compact exceptionally well, making it difficult for weeds to penetrate. For the best solution, you can place a weed barrier underneath. It’s an affordable and easy fix, and by choosing a high-quality barrier, you save yourself a lot of maintenance. Here on our site, you can purchase a high-quality weed barrier at an affordable price. It measures 2 x 5 meters, and with a small overlap, you achieve a solid, long-term solution.

Delivery of Stone Dust in Big Bag

We always deliver our stone dust in big bags and offer delivery across Denmark. These convenient big bags are easy to access, and with our various delivery methods, you can have it placed in the optimal location for your project. Options include forklift delivery, ideal for tighter spaces, or crane delivery, for instances where the stone dust needs to be lifted over a hedge.

Our standard “Sidewalk/Driveway” delivery is always free where there is a fixed bridge connection.

Read more about our delivery options here

Expect the absolute highest product quality and best service in the market from order placement to delivery.

Grey stone dust is available in 500 kg., 1,000 kg. or 1,500 kg maxibags.

Hvad bruges stenmel til?
Stenmel bruges til udlægning som underlag på petanquebaner, som belægning på tennisbaner, på gangstier og som underlag under belægning med granitskærver. Stenmel bruges også i fuger mellem granitfliser, brosten, chaussesten og betonfliser. Det der er fordel ved at bruge stenmel til fugning ved flisearbejde er, at fugen bliver rigtig hård, så ukrudt har svært ved at sætte sig i fugerne. Et bedre produkt end strandsand og fugesand.
Hvilke farver kan man få stenmel i?
Stenmel eller granitstenmel kan du få i grå, sort, rød og hvid.