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Sandbox Sand

1,045.00 kr.

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Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Sandbox Sand in Size 0-2 mm

There are sandboxes at private homes, daycare centers, kindergartens, and playgrounds. In short, thousands of children play with sand every day – it’s healthy and creative for them. Good sandbox sand must be clean and washed. This means that the sand doesn’t stain the children’s clothes. In the golden sandbox sand, there will be a slight amount of clay residue, but it gets quickly washed out after a bit of rain, allowing children to play without getting marks on their clothes.

Good sandbox sand should also be easy to shape. After all, that’s the essence of play. We offer fantastic sand that meets both requirements, and we deliver it in both white and golden colors. This way, you ensure that the sand matches if you are refilling a sandbox.

Sandbox Sand Available in the Following Sizes:

  • 0.17 m³ (170 liters) = 250 kg.
  • 0.34 m³ (340 liters) = 500 kg.
  • 0.67 m³ (670 liters) = 1,000 kg.
  • 1 m³ (1,000 liters) = 1,500 kg.

How Much Sandbox Sand Should Go in a Sandbox?

This naturally depends on the size of the sandbox. However, make sure to get enough. It’s a shame for the children if they reach the bottom too quickly. Therefore, we recommend a layer of at least 15-20 cm. A rule of thumb is that 1 m³ covers 5 m², giving a good layer that kids will love to play in. Be aware that sand is heavy, so it’s advisable to choose a delivery method that brings the sand as close to the sandbox as possible – or perhaps even directly into the sandbox if possible.

Delivery of Sandbox Sand in Big Bags

As mentioned above, delivery is an important part of the process. At Maxibag, you can choose from different delivery methods to avoid unnecessary work. Sand is heavy, and if you have to move 1 m³ manually over a longer distance, it requires good muscles and a sturdy wheelbarrow.

Standard Delivery

Our standard delivery is included in the price. Here, the big bag is placed in the immediate vicinity of the truck, for example, on a sidewalk or in a driveway. However, with this delivery type, the sand cannot be lifted directly into the sandbox. But if the truck can get close to the sandbox, it can be delivered right up to it.

Mobile Truck Delivery

This method is perfect if you need the sand delivered all the way to the sandbox, and a truck can’t get close enough. The truck requires only 2.5 meters in width and can turn in very tight spaces. This is a method we often use at playgrounds, summer houses, and other places with limited space.

Crane Delivery

For sandbox sand, this is the smartest delivery method, provided the truck can get close to the sandbox. With this delivery, you can get the sand lifted directly into the sandbox. This means that all the work is done in an instant.

Be aware that the large crane trucks require ample space. There must be a clear height of 4.5 meters and a width of 4 meters all the way from the main road to the final delivery location. The crane truck can reach a maxibag 7-8 meters away from the truck.

See more about our delivery methods here

Hvor meget grus skal jeg bruge?
Det afhænger meget af hvilket projekt du skal lave. Undersøg altid den grustype der passer til dit projekt, inden du udregner den korrekte mængde.
Hvor meget sand til sandkasse?
Som tommelfingerregel skal man som minimum beregne 15-20 cm i en sandkasse. Børn skal kunne grave huller uden at komme ned til undergrunden - og sandet skal også være rart at lege i.
Hvor meget sand under fliser?
Brug altid ca. 5 til 10 cm. sand under dine fliser. Alt afhængig af hvor dine fliser ligger, skal du lave en bundopbygning er passer til de korrekte forhold.
Hvilken grus til indkørsel?
I en indkørsel skal du først udlægge stabilgrus. Herefter en brolæggergrus, hvis du vil have fliser i indkørslen. Hvis du ikke vil have fliser, kan du udlægge ærtesten eller granitskærver ovenpå dit stabilgrus.