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Washed Sand

1,095.00 kr.

In stock - ready to ship

Delivery throughout Denmark with fixed bridge connections


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Washed Sand – All-Purpose Sand for Various Uses

Washed sand is a versatile material that can be used for a wide range of tasks, both in gardening and construction. Our washed sand is carefully cleaned and sorted, ensuring high-quality sand free of clay and other impurities.

Washed sand is delivered in either 1,000 kg or 1,500 kg maxibags.

Uses for Washed Sand

Washed sand has many uses. Below are just a few examples of where it can be applied:

Concrete Work

Washed sand is an essential ingredient for concrete and mortar mixes. Its clean composition makes it ideal for concrete tasks where quality and durability are the focus. With our washed sand, you ensure a solid foundation for your construction projects.

Soil Aeration

Washed sand can also be used to improve soil in your garden. By mixing the sand into heavy or clay-rich soil, you help loosen the structure, allowing plant roots easier access to water and nutrients. This creates optimal growth conditions for your plants and lawn.

Sandbox Sand

Our washed sand has a fine and soft texture, making it perfect as golden sandbox sand. It is child-friendly as it is free from sharp stones and impurities. Washed sand provides your children with a clean and safe play experience. If you want light-colored sandbox sand, you can find it here.

Delivery Methods for Washed Sand

We offer various delivery methods to suit your needs and the scope of your project. You can choose your delivery method by entering your postal code on this page.

Standard Delivery to Sidewalk or Driveway

When you order washed sand, standard delivery to the sidewalk or driveway is included in the price. This solution is ideal if you have easy access from the road and can transport the sand to the desired location yourself.

Delivery with Forklift

If you need the sand to be placed closer to your work area, we offer delivery with a forklift. This method allows for placing the sand directly on your property, even in narrow areas where standard delivery cannot reach.

Our forklifts are 2.5 meters wide.

Delivery with Crane Truck

For precise placement, we also offer delivery with a crane truck. This is ideal if the sand needs to be delivered over hedges, walls, or in hard-to-reach areas. The crane truck ensures safe and precise delivery exactly where you want it.

The crane truck can reach washed sand 7-8 meters away from the truck's location.

Hvor meget grus skal jeg bruge?
Det afhænger meget af hvilket projekt du skal lave. Undersøg altid den grustype der passer til dit projekt, inden du udregner den korrekte mængde.
Hvor meget sand til sandkasse?
Som tommelfingerregel skal man som minimum beregne 15-20 cm i en sandkasse. Børn skal kunne grave huller uden at komme ned til undergrunden - og sandet skal også være rart at lege i.
Hvor meget sand under fliser?
Brug altid ca. 5 til 10 cm. sand under dine fliser. Alt afhængig af hvor dine fliser ligger, skal du lave en bundopbygning er passer til de korrekte forhold.
Hvilken grus til indkørsel?
I en indkørsel skal du først udlægge stabilgrus. Herefter en brolæggergrus, hvis du vil have fliser i indkørslen. Hvis du ikke vil have fliser, kan du udlægge ærtesten eller granitskærver ovenpå dit stabilgrus.